We live in a constantly changing world; technologies develop and generations succeed each other. Although now most of the attention of marketers is focused on millennials (generation Y), centennials (Generation Z) are slowly becoming active consumers. Who are they and what kind of advertising works with them?

Who are centennials?

Generation Z are people born after 2000. Their distinguishing feature is that they are the first to be born and grow up in the era of ubiquitous Internet. That is why the recently adopted term digital native is applied to them.

Centennials “were born with mobile devices in their hands”, so the traditional advertising channels (television, radio and print media) and content distribution aren’t suitable for them. People of this generation spend about 10 hours a day on their mobile devices. This should be taken into account when choosing a distribution channel for your information.

It is also worth remembering that the “zetas” are socially active and prefer to create content themselves. You can easily attract their attention by giving them the opportunity to become content makers for your company. However, you should also show them that you share their values ​​and are not indifferent to social problems and the world as a whole. Their favourite brands are those that don’t just produce quality products, but also transmit their values of egalitarianism, environmental awareness, and social justice.

What kind of advertising is suitable for Generation Z?

According to a Kantar Millward Brown study, 57% of centennials are annoyed by ads.This is to say that they are irritated by traditional types of advertising that are imposed on people in one form or another. At the same time, “zetas”are quite receptive to ‘native advertising’ which blurs the boundary between content and ads, and or purports to be from peers, rather than directly from companies. This generation is also more open to advertising that gives them a choice of either of watching or skipping straight to the content.

What could motivate Generation Z to watch ads?

  • The opportunity to find out useful information (32%);
  • Being able to share content and comment on it (28%);
  • To help them make a purchasing decision(23%);
  • To learn background about the product (16%);
  • The ability to give feedback to the advertiser and join a discussion of the product(12%).

Another way to catch the attention of Generation Z in advertising is to use music and celebrities. But still, the key factors ensuring “zetas” like your advertising are using interactivity or offering rewards for viewing.