Last time we talked about under 22s, the so-called Generation Z, and the best ways to advertise for them. This time we want to set out the myths about advertising for the “zetas”. Let’s go.
All centennials love the same thing
Like other generations, members of Generation Z have a lot in common with each other ,, but that doesn’t make them all clones. Because of this myth, some marketers believe that segmentation in the case of “zetas” is completely unnecessary. This approach is erroneous.
Despite the general trends, people of this generation have different interests, preferences and consumer behavior. When planning your advertising campaign, you must take into account all these factors and divide the audience into segments, otherwise you might waste a lot of money, and you might not get the necessary profit.
Modern slang will attract the attention of the zetas
In attempts to speak the language of ‘youth’, you risk simply becoming a laughing stock, and not achieving the result you want of drawing attention to your advertising campaign.
Centennials have a well-developed intuition, so they immediately sense it when advertisers try to deceive them. This means it’s better to maintain a natural tone when communicating with members of Generation Z, but don’t forget that your content should be both concise, to the point, and most importantly, visualised. About visualisation, by the way, follows another myth.
Visualisation = Video
There is even a double myth. The first is that some marketers imagine visualisation to be solely video. And the second is that they neglect textual content. Yes, “zetas” prefer short and concise texts and are more disposed to watching video content, but this doesn’t mean that they can’t be attracted to an interesting article with bright visual elements (pictures and photos). Native ads and useful infographics can attract their attention as well as high-quality videos.
In addition, a study by the international communications agencies PBN H+K and MAGRAM MR showed that Generation Z is more loyal to podcasts and audio formats than its predecessors.
Bloggers are add drivers
The popularity of bloggers among centennials makes many companies turn to them for advertising. Some are even unwavering in their belief that the presence of a famous blogger necessarily guarantees a positive result for an advertising campaign. However in practice, everything is completely different. As we have already mentioned, “zetas” have developed intuition and they can spot a lie, moreover, they won’t trust a blogger who advertises too many products. If you still want to attract bloggers, then the choice should be limited to micro-influencers.
Another factor that may come into play is the fact that representatives of Generation Z are sure that they know everything about the world around, new technologies, and the diversity of people. That is why in some cases it can be more effective to advertise simply on behalf of a brand, which can help people of this generation tomake their own decisions.
Generation Z has its own characteristics that you should pay attention to when creating an advertising campaign. Be natural, show the values of your brand and be open, then you can achieve the desired result.