When you start an SMS mail-out, you want your messages be read by your clients. Ensuring this happens is a matter of many factors; you must have good routes, engaging content and of course you need to choose the right sending time. Picking the best day is very important for the success of your SMS mail-out. Here is some advice about how to do this.
Monday is the beginning of the week; usually people have a lot to do, their email inboxes are full of letters and they receive many text messages. It would seem that this day isn’t the best for your SMS mail-outs. However, some marketers believe that Monday is the best day for getting feedback. The research of SurveyMonkeyshowed that polls sent on a Monday received 10% more responses from customers.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
According the same research these days are the most popular for SMS mail-outs. 18% of marketers send text messages on Tuesday and 17% – on Thursday. Tuesdays showed the highest opening rate, at 19.9%. Clients may be more receptive to messages on these days, but on the other hand, competition is at its highest. Some Analysts believe that if you are sending lower volumes of text messages, Wednesday is the best day to choose. Amongst those only sending only one text message a week, the highest opening rate, of 20.6% was on this day.
Friday is not so far behind the more popular days. Retention Science found that the conversion rate on this day was 26%. Also, Friday is recognized as the best day for sending out informative or and educational content. In the evenings and at weekends people have more time to read interesting articles or study .
Whether or not it is worth sending SMS mail-outs at the weekend is a point experts disagree on. KISSmetrics says“Yes”, noting that the highest percentage of opened messages is observed at weekends, especially on Saturdays when it is 44%. There is also a downside; on Saturday and Sunday, there are more opt-outs from SMS mail-outs and more complaints about content.
You must remember that no one can tell you exactly which day is the best for SMS mail-outs. To choose the best day you need to experiment, accumulate experience and draw conclusions. Save your settings with the help of the Intis Telecom platform.