In order to understand whether the product you are launching today will be successful, it’s often enough to ask two questions; ‘Do you know who you are selling your product to?’ and ‘Who will buy it?’.

Unfortunately, most companies, regardless of their area of business, don’t know their consumers and, as a result, they lose a lot of money on the production, packaging and sales of their product. A product that either no-one needs, or is packaged in such a way that the audience that would be ready to buy it doesn’t see it at all.

Generation Z is only just growing up and gaining strength, so many companies aren’t focusing on them, preferring to sell to millennials who have already taken their place financially. However, young people are already potential buyers and moreover, they are open to everything new.

A distinctive feature of the generation is the willingness to pay good money for a quality product. If the product and brand meets their expectations, then they become regular customers, forming a stable platform of buyers who will support the manufacturing company.

So how do you start selling to zoomers if you want to make them your target audience?

One of this target audience’s values is the desire to enjoy. At the same time, the younger generation seeks not only to be intrigued and entertained by their purchases. They also require obvious benefits from them. In the standard product matrix, marketers offer a binary choice between a high and low price, between getting a bargain and spoiling yourself.

By focusing on young people when creating a product, you move away from this choice. There is no need to push this audience to make a choice between making economies and splashing out; they need to be given a finished product that brings both the pleasure of good presentation and the practical benefits of the good they have purchased.

Most younger people believe that brands have an obligation to help them achieve their personal goals and aspirations. One of the most important priorities for them is the desire for uniqueness. This audience is 100% visual. They are creative individuals who value the possibilities of self-development and want to make their own contribution. They pay attention to interesting and unusual packaging, although they want to be assured that this packaging does not harm the environment.

Therefore, you should pay more attention to these features when creating a marketing campaign, including one using SMS mail-outs. It doesn’t have to be run of the mill and boring. At the same time, you shouldn’t forget that generation Z quickly loses interest and turns to something new. So be brief.

The Intis Telecom platform may help you with the technical side of SMS text messages. The company has been developing software and solutions for SMS and chat apps for more than 10 years. On the platform, you can find convenient and wide functionality that allows you to create templates, set the sending time and day and much more.