We’ve already written more than once about how useful SMS can be for your business. SMS mail-outs are one of the most commonly used tools. They are of great use to any business that is trying to promote itself.

Today, we would like to return to the very beginning and talk about why bulk messages are needed and what benefits they can bring you. If you still have doubts about whether you need SMS in your advertising campaigns or not, this text should help you to make the right decision.

Your information won’t be lost

Unlike email newsletters, SMS messages are not lost in spam. There is a higher probability that the message will be opened and read immediately, as soon as it arrives, which means that everything you want to tell clients about your business will actually be received by them.

Increase customer trust and loyalty

With the help of SMS mail-outs, you can easily show clients that they are important to you. For example, you could send text messages about bonus schemes and, and lines of goods which clients can buy with them. You can also send exclusive promotional codes for discounts via SMS , which helps bolster clients’ loyalty for your company.

SMS Help to get subscribers engaged

You can include a link to your website in the SMS, so the client can find additional information there. Also, text messages can serve as invitations to sales, events, and so on. Moreover, these bulk messages can lead to two-way communication by allowing clients to send their replies to you on a short number. This format has many possibilities, such as conducting quizzes and questionnaires.Subscribers can immediately send you their answers.

Personalised interaction with subscribers and easy feedback

Many platforms for SMS mail-outs allow you to personalize your messages. This helps information to become more targeted, and people are generally pleased when they are addressed by name.

Feedback and two-way communication is also possible via SMS. Using this kind of communication, you can conduct surveys and collect feedback in order to improve your business.

First-hand information

Your promotions, new products and useful content will be seen by a greater number of subscribers, which boosts sales. Moreover, this information will reach clients as soon as you send it.

Free resale tools

Spread the word about a good or service, stir up interest , and also invite your clients to come to you for more detailed discussion- all of these things can be done via SMS. And most importantly, this is all at no additional costs. You pay only for the messages themselves.
Simplicity and ease of working with SMS mail-outs

There are many services and platforms for creating and sending bulk messages, such as an Intis Telecom account. Simple registration and an intuitive interface allow you to quickly get to grips with how it all works. Also you have the opportunity to integrate Intis Telecom solutions with your services.