FAQ: Financial questions

What payment options do we support and how your account would be billed

How long do funds remain in my online account?

Funds in your online account with us must be spent within 3 (three) years of them having been credited

Do I pay for messages the intended recipients don’t receive?

Yes, we charge for each submitted message, each SMS sent. We are only reflecting the billing models imposed on us by the mobile operators we source connectivity from. They charge for all SMS submitted to them as this alone is a good way to stop the sending of unsolicited traffic. Before sending SMS messages, we strongly recommend you verify the integrity of your numbers database to ensure you are not attempting to send (for example) content to numbers which no longer exist. If you find batches of SMS you send do not arrive to their intended recipients, we recommend you contact our technical support team either by emailing support@intistele.com or via the ticketing system accessible from your online account

What is the refund policy for Intis Telecom?

The refund policy can be found here.

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